French Martini Hamper
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If you’re looking for a fun and fabulous cocktail experience, look no further than our French Martini Hamper! This hamper includes everything to create two delicious French Martinis, including premium vodka, Chambord raspberry liqueur, and pineapple juice. Also included is a recipe card to guide through the process, making it the perfect choice for any cocktail enthusiast looking to add a touch of French elegance to their cocktail repertoire! Our French Martini Hamper is not only a great way to indulge in a favourite cocktail, but also makes for a memorable and entertaining gifting experience. The hamper is presented in a stylish box, making it the perfect choice for a special occasion or as a unique gift for a friend or loved one. Let them channel their inner mixologist with this delicious and sophisticated French Martini Hamper cocktail!
Chambord 50ml
Cocktail Shaker 550ml
Absolut Vodka 50ml
Port Willunga Fine Foods Snack Pistachios Cello 90g
Double Jigger 15/30ml
Cocktail Coupe 270ml
Joe’s Classics Pineapple Juice 350ml
Stylishly presented in the Gourmet Basket Signature Gift Box finished with ribbon, tissue and gift card
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